Mish Mash Week at Saint Andrew's Camp was a wonderfully blessed time with inventive, interactive religious education and fun activities like kayaking, archery, crafts, swimming, and sports. In the evenings, there were special activities like a Mission Impossible game, a campfire with a rousing sing-a-long, Camp Clue, and Q & A with Archbishop Michael. The week ended with SACs Got Talent, a talent show featuring a plethora of different talents of campers and staff, from instrumental performances to unicycle tricks! The campers also performed a song about the Archangel Michael, from Heaven on Earth, A Musical Catechesis for Children, by Fr. Paul (Stetsenko), which they practiced throughout the week. In addition to all this, the campers had a field trip to The MOST (Museum of Science and Technology) in Syracuse and participated in the Liturgical life of the Church with twice daily services.
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