Dear Friends of St. Andrew's Camp,
On Saturday November 13 we will have our semi annual open meeting to plan for the 2022 camping season as well as discuss  our plans for  future development of the camp.  We would like to invite you, and any others you know might be interested in youth work as well as general program planning for this diocesan resource facility, to join us in these discussions.

The meeting will be held in Yonkers NY at Holy Trinity Church.  We are working on the potential use of a zoom platform for those unable to attend in person. Anyone interested in finding more about the camp, in considering joining a working committee or even to be a board member, who might like to volunteer during the camping season or any time during the year  to help with upgrades and maintenance, should plan to join  us that day.  A partial list of opportunities to help is  included below. Please let us know of your interest and we will hope to see you at noon on the 13th of November for lunch first  and then the meeting.
Volunteer opportunities:
Landscape / gardening
Painting interior and exterior
Ongoing  organization of the camps  many supply areas   ( library, the linen closet  tools and craft supplies...etc)
Preseason and post season cleaning
Communication  Social Media and Publicity
Plumbing, electrical and  minor repair  issues
Cooks, Counselors and Nurses are needed for the 2022 camping season
and many other specialized opportunities.....
We look forward to seeing YOU!
St. Andrew's Camp Board



















1280 State Route 49
Jewell, NY 13042
Office: (315) 675-9771
Fax: (315) 675-8005

Site Map

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